Back to the Basics......Shimmering Acrylic Paint, Polishing Plaster and Flowers
Hellloooo Perfect Paint Fans!!! Lynne Forsythe here to share another process video with YOU!!
SOMETIMES life can get so busy, work, commitments, family and that's the short list!! At some point we need to stop the merry-go-round and take a moment to do what you love best!! Maybe it's a walk, reading a good book or you name it. For me.....I love to color things! So that's what I decided I would do. I pulled out a few tags, a stencil, some Perfect Paints Goodies, a few flowers and just let the creativity take over.....OH THE FUN I HAD!!
Here are the results of that Creative Journey.....

Which one do you like BETTER???? The Blue Tag or......

The Green Tag???

Look at ALL THE Perfect Paints Beauty!!!!

See the BEAUTIFUL CRACKS filled with color!!!!

Check out how I created all this beauty......
Hope you enjoyed my creative process!! Which tag did you like BEST??? The Blue one or the Green one??? Til we meet again Stay Creative ~ Lynne
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