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Exploring the Magical World of Perfect Paints A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners!

Hello, everyone! Myry here and today we're going to delve into the world of painting with Perfect Paints Shimmering Matte Acrylics!

But in beginner mode. This is my first time painting seriously with acrylics. I've always painted with watercolors so don't expect a great work xD. I'm going to focus more on mixing colors than on strokes and brushstrokes.

Colorful painting of a child in patchwork clothes and cap on wooden background. Paint jars and pen nearby. Text: "Perfect Paints."
Let's paint with Shimmering Matte Acrylics

Other supplies to have in mind: acrylic/oil specific paper between 200-300g will be great, black pen, a plate or container for mixing, a thin cloth to remove any excess as the paint is applied, and some good brushes... I would almost say that a good brush is worth more than anything else.

Child with a purple cap wearing a colorful patchwork outfit and pink sneakers. They look down playfully, hands in pockets, against a white background.
By the way, I copied this drawing from Pinterest and I have no idea who it is, so credit to the original author.

So let's go!

Make your drawing before start painting, even the details. It's always better to work with those details even when the paint will cover it.

And I start with the purple tones for the hat and parts of the sweater and pants.

Sangria doesn't work on its own because it has too much of a red undertone, so I'm going to do a few mixes to darken and lighten it.

First I'm going to try to make a much more lilac tone by mixing it with Peacock Blue and Sea Glass, always a little bit of each, starting with the darkest.

Three open jars of  perfect paints in teal, blue, and magenta on a grid surface, with paint strokes and a brush. Labels read "Perfect Paints."
Perfect Paints Shimmering Matte Acrylics

And I'm going to mix some of this lilac just with Halo.

Open jars of blue, green, white, and purple perfect paints paint on a grid-patterned surface. Purple paint is smeared on the grid. Text reads "Perfect Paints."
mixing together Perfect Paints

Perfect lilac tone!

A lighter shade just by mixing it with Sea Glass and Halo. This mixture has a certain reddish undertone.

Jars of teal and magenta paint on a grid surface, with paintbrushes and colorful brushstrokes. Text reads "Perfect Paints." Bright and creative.
Mixing Shimmering Matte Acrylics

Now the blue tones for other parts of the sweater and pants.

Mix Peacock Blue with a little bit of Sangria to get this duller blue.

Jars of vibrant Perfect Paints in blue and pink paint on a grid surface with a brush and blue-purple smear. “Perfect Paints” text visible.
Mixing together Perfect Paints

Mix Rain Slicker, Red Wagon and Peacock Blue for an even darker but dull blue.

Open jars of yellow, blue, and red Perfect paintson a grid mat; grey paint mixed on the surface. Text: Perfect Paints Design Team 2023-24.
Mixing Perfect Paints

I mix Northern Lights and Peacock Blue little by little until I get a light blue-green

Open jars of blue and green Perfect paint on a grid surface, with a paint smear nearby. "Perfect Paints" text visible. Bright, creative mood.
Mixing Perfect Paints

And a little more Peacock Blue just for the shadows.

Open jars of blue and green perfect Paints on a grid mat with paintbrushes and a "Perfect Paints" logo. Blue paint is smeared on the mat.
Mixing Perfect Paints

The yellow-green tones for other parts of the sweater and pants. I use  Northern Lights and Rain Slicker. I mix them for a light green...

Open jars of yellow and teal Perfect paints on a grid mat, with a paintbrush and green smear nearby. "Perfect Paints" text visible.
Mixing Perfect Paints
Open jars of yellow and white Perfect paints sit on a grid surface. A brush mixes the yellow paint. Text reads "Perfect Paints" in script.
Mixing Perfect Paints

and Rain Slicker and Halo. With these I could already make light and shadows.

Jars of yellow and white Perfects paints on a grid table with text "Perfect Paints." Yellow paint is spread with a brush. Bright and creative setting.
Mixing Perfect Paints

The warm tones for the last parts of the sweater and skin.

Mix Ballet Slipper with a little bit of Coral. Use it and...

Open Perfect paint jars in red, pink, and yellow on a grid-patterned surface. A brush with pink paint nearby. "Perfect Paints" text visible.
Mixing Perfect Paints

keep adding more until you get an even darker tone.

Open jars of pink and red Perfect paints on a grid mat, with a mix on a spatula. Text on mat: Perfect Paints. Bright and creative setting.
Mixing Perfect Paints

If you mix  Ballet Slipper with Halo you'll get a very very soft pink tone, perfect for the "darker" parts of the skin.

Pink and yellow paint jars on a grid surface. A brush blends pink paint beside them. Text: "Perfect Paints" on the grid.
Mixing Perfect Paints

And finally, lights and shadows for the shoes, the clothes in general, the face and hair.

Mix Halo with toches of Rain Slicker, very carefully! This way you get an off-white but more vivid thanks to that little yellow touche, instead of making it with a greyish tone.

And mix Rain Slicker, Red Wagon first until you get an orange tone, and gradually add Peacock Blue to darken and/or Sea Glass to lighten the brown.

Open jars of blue, turquoise, red, and yellow perfect paints on a grid paper, with a mix of colors and a brush. "Perfect Paints" text visible.
Mixing Perfect Paints

Et voilà!

Art supplies on a wooden table with a colorful painting of a child in a patchwork outfit and hat. Text "Perfect Paints" visible.
Finished painting

Once finished, I'll go over the entire outline and redraw all the details.

Illustration of a child in a colorful patchwork sweater and purple cap, on a wooden surface. Text reads "Perfect Paints." Mood is serene.
Closeup painting

Colorful patchwork sweater illustration with various patterns like flowers and checks. Bright hues. "Perfect Paints" text at the corner.
Closeup painting

Child in colorful patchwork outfit and red sneakers, standing indoors on wooden floor. Text: "Perfect Paints."
closeup painting

I'm in conflict right now. I don't usually use acrylic paints on my drawings so it was quite a challenge and I think it turned out well but badly at the same time. I like the result but at the same time I don't like it.

I really like these colors, they are beautiful.

Aaaaaaaanyway. I wanted to try it and that's what I did.

Thanks for your time with me and my experiments xD!

Have a nice week and see you next time!



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