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Frosted Winter Blooms and Mini Vase with Perfect Paints

Hi, friends, it's Walter here with on the blog with you today! The Christmas and New Year holidays are over and I find myself looking for ideas for new winter decor. The inspiration for this project came to me while making breakfast the day after Christmas. I was in the mood for pancakes and I'm someone who loves maple syrup. My sister had recently given me some small bottles of syrup from Cracker Barrel. I looked at the bottle as I poured it over my stack of pancakes and thought that it had a pretty design to it. That little inspiration lightbulb above my head lit up as I thought it would make a pretty mini vase! I knew that Perfect Paints products would be the perfect mediums to transform it into a beautiful small vase and that would make a fun piece of winter decor. The traditional winter color palette includes some of my favorite colors - shades of blue, silver, and white - and would be perfect for my design. Here's a peek at the finished piece:

Decorative glass flowers in a painted bottle against a wooden background. Text reads "Perfect Paints Design Team."
Frosted Winter Blooms and Mini Vase

I used the following Perfect Paints products to create it:

  • Epoxy Resin and Hardener

  • Snowflake Silicone Mould

  • 49 and Market Royal Spray Ivory Handmade Paper Flowers

  • Mod Podge

  • Silver Metallic Marker

  • Metal plant stakes


I started by soaking the glass bottle in some hot water and dish soap (I used Dawn) in order to loosen the label from the bottle. I was then able to easily remove any label residue with some rubbing alcohol and a paper towel.

I mixed the epoxy and hardener according to the directions on the product. The resin set that I purchased came from Amazon and is an easy to use 1:1 mix of the two mediums. Here's a tip if you're not familiar with resin: when purchasing, look for resin and hardener that are mixed together based on volume and not on weight so that you can ensure a nicely mixed resin that will be certain to cure correctly. Once it was mixed, I poured the resin into the mould to make a few clear snowflakes. Allow them to cure and harden according to the product directions.

Epoxy resin bottles labeled "Low Viscosity" and "High Gloss" next to a red snowflake mold. Clear snowflake casts. Text: "Perfect Paints."
Creating the clear resin snowflakes with a mould

I next worked on creating my mini vase. I mixed some Halo Perfect Paints Matte Shimmering Acrylic with some Perfect Glaze Medium to thin the paint and allow it to be more translucent. I wanted to frosted effect and not a solidly colored glass for the mini vase. I painted a few coats of the mixture onto the bottle, allowing it to dry in between coats.

A white-painted glass bottle on brown paper, next to a white paint palette and brush. Text: "Walter Zemrock Perfect Paints Design Team 2023-24."
Creating a frosted glaze effect on the mini vase

Once the bottle was dry, I used a small detail paint brush and some Tarnished Silver Perfect Paints Shimmering Matte Acrylic to paint the raised teardrop shaped elements along the top of the bottle. I then painted each of them with one coat of the Halo mixture to make it a little lighter and add further shimmer. The raised dots on the top of the bottle were then colored with a silver metallic marker. It was easier to color them with the fine tip of a marker than to paint them.

A painted bottle, Perfect Paints jar, and brush on a craft table. Brown paper beneath, text reads “Perfect Paints.” Creative, artistic mood.
Colored raised elements on the bottle

The final step for the mini vase was to add some Clear X-Small Glass Bead Gel around the top of the bottle to create an icy glazed look. I applied the glass bead gel around the top with a palette knife, making sure to allow for it to extend down onto the bottle in some areas to make it look like the freezing occurred while dripping. I was now able to set the vase aside to let the bead gel dry, which I allow to happen overnight.

Perfect Paints paint jar and recycled bottle, partly coated with X-small glass beads.  Palette knife and brown paper on a crafting table. Label reads "Perfect Paints."
Bead gel applied around the top of the bottle

Perfect Paints paint jar and recycled bottle, partly coated with X-small glass beads.  Palette knife and brown paper on a crafting table. Label reads "Perfect Paints."
Close-up view of applied bead gel

I painted the back of the clear resin snowflakes with a couple of coats of the Halo mixture to give them a little dimension and set thgem aside to dry,

Two white, painted star-shaped ornaments on brown paper, with "Walter Zemrock Perfect Paints Design Team 2023-24" text in the corner.
Painted backside resin snowflakes

I also used the Halo mixture to paint the leaves, flower bud and reeds, and metal plant stakes that I use as stems. I next added a small drop of Bohemian Blue Perfect Paints Shimmering Matte Acrylic to create lovely light shade of blue to use to paint the paper flower. I applied a coat of paint to flower and, once dry, used just a slight amount of Bohemian Blue to darken the center of the flower, and then used a small detail brush to paint the stamen with Tarnished Silver.

A flower painted with Bohemian Blue Perfect Paints on a brown paper background. Text reads "Walter Zemrock Perfect Paints Design Team 2023-24".
A blue painted bloom

I cut the metal plant stakes to size and then used super glue to attach them to the back of the snowflakes, flower, and leaves.

Painted resin shapes  with glue nearby. Text reads "Perfect Paints." Brown and silver hues dominate the scene.
Attaching the stems to the snowflakes, flower, and leaves

The next day, I arranged the items in the vase and my frosted winter blooms and mini vase was complete! I love the look of glass bead gel acting as ice dripping down the bottle, and all of the shimmer & sparkle on the floral elements. This is going on my desk so that I have something pretty to look at as I work my day job!

Decorative glass flowers in a painted bottle against a wooden background. Text reads "Perfect Paints Design Team."
The finished piece of winter decor!

Decorative bottle with x-small glass beads around neck and painted floral design, holding wire and flower stems. "Perfect Paints" text on the side. Vintage feel.
Look at those faux ice crystals!

Blue flower with silver center, frosted snowflake ornaments, and spirals on a wooden background. Text: "Perfect Paints Design Team 2023-24."
Closeup of the snowflakes and floral elements

Thanks for spending some time on the blog with me today. Until next time . . . be well!


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