Mental Health Day with Perfect Paints!
What does your mental health day look like for you?? Do you go to the gym? Do you Cook? Do you Clean your house? Do you get outside?? For me a Mental Health Day is getting my hands dirty with Paint, Mediums and paper!

We can get so caught up in the day to day that we forget to do what makes our heart SING!! So, I took some time to do just that.......CREATE!! Now, I'm going to warn you.....there may be squeals of excitement in my video and other strange noises but I chose not to edit them from my video! And as I mention in the video, I had no idea where my creative journey was going to take me!

The process began with me pulling out a collaged sheet of paper that I had laying around, Distress Cracked Leather Cardstock and a BUNCH of Perfect Paints products and I just let the creating begin. Hope you enjoy watching how I created the BEAUTIFUL collage sheets that became the Hearts on my Valentine Cards.

Shimmering Matte Acrylic Paint
Texture Mediums
OTHER PRODUCTS USED Distress Cracked Leather Cardstock