Shimmering Pumpkins using Perfect Paints!
It is always fun to me when I can take a piece of wood and transform it into something fun! Today I want to share with you how to take a simple unfinished square molding block and turn it into a shimmering pumpkin!
We will keep the supplies super simple for this project.

Supplies Needed:
Square molding from any home improvement store
Waverly chalk Paint - Truffle
Perfect Paints Shimmering Matte Acrylics in Rain Slicker and Red Wagon
Perfect Paints Polishing Plaster Shimmering Sage
Perfect Paints Glaze Medium
150 Grit sand paper
stick from your yard
To start off with I painted all the blocks with the Truffle chalk paint. You don't have to be perfect with this step because I only want this brown as a base color.

Next I used Rain Slicker and Red Wagon Shimmering Acrylic paint. I mixed the two colors together to give me the different shades of orange. Play around with this step to get the colors that you prefer. BUT if you would love to use an orange instead then you can use the Perfect Paints Shimmering Cajun Orange or Cantaloupe!
Paint all the blocks with your mixed paint colors until you get the exact colors you want. I tried to make three different pumpkin colors. I used Red Wagon by itself to hit up areas I wanted to highlight. For one of the pumpkins, I added a touch of Polishing Plaster in Shimmering Sage into the paint for a thicker consistency, but it also gives it a touch of a different color.
Once everything has had time to dry then take your grit sandpaper and start scuffing up areas all around the block. I focused on the circles and edges mostly so that the Truffle paint will peak through. Keep in mind that this does take a little of your shimmer off but that is okay.....once I was done with sanding, I used the Perfect Paints Glaze Medium to go over the top to add the shine back! See how the dark peaks through in the picture below :)

Now head out into the yard and fine a good dead limb. I used a handsaw to cut it into the lengths I desired and then added it to my blocks with some hot glue. You could also use wood glue if that is all you have. Once this has dried good.....very easily add some twine or ribbon. Just be careful to not pull too tight on the stem.
And there you have it....some super simple pumpkins for the fall season!
